Recognition Source Co. is your one stop shop for custom recognition displays. We work with a wide variety of materials and utilize modern machinery and a highly skilled workforce whose pride shows through in the products produced. We also believe that these products should be available at a reasonable price.




Some of Our Popular Designs

From donation trees and memorials to sports plaques and more, we have the donor recognition plaques and donor trees you need to recognize those worthy accomplishments.

With over 35 years of combined experience in the recognition business, we at donor tree will find the right product for your application. Your mission is to recognize, memorialize or thank your customers/benefactors/employees. Our mission is to assist you with yours. Custom plaques and acrylic trees are part of our everyday routine. We’ll treat your project as if it were our own. Along with quality products, we believe our customer service, attention to detail and timely delivery of your recognition products are our strong traits.